Discharge to Wellness System/Monthly Patient Education


Remember, knowledge is power. It’s time to arm our patients with knowledge that can enhance their health. After the patient reaches a plateau in care, they think, “OK, what now?” This system was designed to smoothly transition a patient, in a non-threatening or pushy way, from a plateau in recovery to monthly wellness, and cash. The product creates value for the patient regarding the benefits of the wellness visit, thus improving compliance, and cash-flow. It combines the chiropractic adjustment/manipulation with a brief discussion covering the monthly public health topic.

  • Cholesterol
  • Heart Disease
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Stroke
  • Respiratory Disorders
  • Cleansing, and Weight Loss
  • And much, much more…..up to 36 topics, all based upon a foundation of contemporary literature.

Internet files are transferred directly to you that include:

  1. Art for patient binder
  2. Introductory letter to patient
  3. Tracking form for both DC and patient
  4. Topic of the month (includes references)
  5. Audio of an actual explanation to the patient
  6. Wellness pamphlet
  7. Insert listing all topics