Discharge to Wellness System/Monthly Patient Education
Remember, knowledge is power. It’s time to arm our patients with knowledge that can enhance their health. After the patient reaches a plateau in care, they think, “OK, what now?” This system was designed to smoothly transition a patient, in a non-threatening or pushy way, from a plateau in recovery to monthly wellness, and cash. The product creates value for the patient regarding the benefits of the wellness visit, thus improving compliance, and cash-flow. It combines the chiropractic adjustment/manipulation with a brief discussion covering the monthly public health topic.
- Cholesterol
- Heart Disease
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- Stroke
- Respiratory Disorders
- Cleansing, and Weight Loss
- And much, much more…..up to 36 topics, all based upon a foundation of contemporary literature.
Internet files are transferred directly to you that include:
- Art for patient binder
- Introductory letter to patient
- Tracking form for both DC and patient
- Topic of the month (includes references)
- Audio of an actual explanation to the patient
- Wellness pamphlet
- Insert listing all topics