Public Lecture Series
This program saves you amazing amounts of time and money by providing a wealth of information in the form of PowerPoint programs and public lectures. This product provides you a massive amount of information at your fingers tips that not only allows you to educate your patients and/or audience, but helps keep you updated on important issues related to a wide variety of topics. The product includes the following:
23 separate PowerPoints with 1226 slides which summarize a massive amount of research. We made it really easy for you to remain current!
Research (2004-2006) | 63 | |
Chronic Pain Lecture | 142 | |
Charts/Art | 4 | |
NMS Lecture | 279 | |
Cost Studies: Short Ver | 48 | |
Cost Studies: Master | 118 | |
Cost Studies: Overview | 47 | |
Diagnostic Accuracy | 15 | |
Dangers of Drug | 175 | |
Edison Quote | 3 | |
Etiology of pain | 25 | |
Nutrition | 15 | |
Odds and Ends | 7 | |
Pain vs Function | 15 | |
PT abuse | 4 | |
Recurrent Nature of Pain | 21 | |
Research: Oldies but Goodies | 63 | |
Soft Tissue Healing | 22 | |
Spinal Manipulation | 68 | |
15 Highest Grossing Drugs | 20 | |
Whiplash | 72 |
- Healthcare vs. Disease Care lecture
- Carpal Tunnel Lecture
- Wellness Lecture
- And a continually expanding library of public lecture topics designed to make you the “expert” in your community!