The Medical Referral System Marketing Packet
This project represents one of the most exciting ideas ever developed in the United States relating to the process and need to build long-lasting medical relationships thereby creating that pipeline of referrals which helps your business grow!
The main barrier to establishing professional relationships was the lack of resources available to confidently make contact. The most common question: “What should I take with me when I visit an MD?” That’s where this product comes in. You no longer have to attend a meeting empty-handed. This packet contains all the information the average MD needs to confidently make a referral to your office. The quality of this marketing packet will establish you as a cut above the rest.
This product includes all the content and art files necessary for your printer to produce an exceptionally professional looking marketing packet. This product is customizable specifically for your office. Once completed, your packet will include the following:
- Folder
- Cover letter
- Prescription pad
- Rolodex cards (both large and small sizes)
- Business Cards
- Magnet
- Common Questions and answers
- Research summary
- “Why refer to XXXX Office?”
The Medical Referral System Marketing Packet has many benefits:
- You don’t have to recreate the wheel by developing a marketing packet of your own… a process that cost thousands in initial product development. (We used professional graphic artists, marketing consultants, and high end printing companies to insure that both the content and look of the packet were of the highest professional quality.)
- The packet removes any fears of wondering what to take with you when you visit a medical professional.
- The tear-off referral pad eases the burden for a medical professional (MD, DO, PT, MT, etc.) to efficiently make a referral.
- The packet provides detailed information about YOUR office.
- The repeated use of your name will stick in the mind of the medical professional and stimulate referrals when their patients ask about a referral to a local DC.
- The quality of the packet increases the confidence in the minds eye of both the patient and the medical professional making the referrals to your office.
Bottom line: this product provides the ability to enter a world previously closed to you…..a world of endless QUALITY referrals. Used in conjunction with The Medical/Attorney Referral Systems (letters, research, reports, PowerPoint Presentations), this system is paralleled by no other in the country.
If you have problems implementing this program please don’t hesitate to contact us. As a client, you are entitled to a one hour conference call to help you with implementation.